04 April 2009

Technology News // AT&T Is Tryna Dick Y'all!!!

AT&T has decided to change up their terms of service.
And yes, this actually does effect YOU (if YOU have AT&T... Lol)

"Downloading movies using P2P file-sharing services, customer-initiated redirection of television or other video or audio signals via any technology from a fixed location to a mobile device, Web broadcasting, and/or for the operation of servers, telemetry devices and/or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition devices is prohibited."

Don't understand what that means? Let me break this down for ya!

YouTube, Slingbox, Peer 2 Peer (LimeWire & Such), etc... Are no longer allowed to be streamed on the 3G AT&T network!!!

Also, don't think they not tryna hit your pockets where it really hurts... Data plans.
Anybody who, like myself, transmits a lot of data... Will be in for a big surprise if they don't have an Unlimited Data Plan.

"On the 5GB DataConnect Plan, once you exceed your 5GB allowance you will be automatically charged $0.00048 per Kb for any data used. On the 200MB Data Connect Plan, once you exceed your 200MB allowance, you will be automatically charged $10 for an additional 100MB. Unused data from either your initial allowance or any overage allowance (e.g., the 100MB) will not be carried over to the next billing period; all data allowances must be used in the billing period in which the allowance is provided."

Don't know what that means either???

  1. If you use the 5GB data plan, if you go over 5GB, you get charged 0.00048 cent per KB for anything you do using data.
  2. If you use the 200MB data plan, they will automatically add 100MB more to your account, for a fee of $10.
  3. Your data, different from your minutes, will not carry over.

Respect to CNet.Com for making sure we know how these companies are trying to make ends meet!!!

S-o-l-o // D-o-l-o

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