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"You can be anything in the world but you still ain't shit"
-E Dot DizZy
-E Dot DizZy
That line right there, sends chills down my spine. That's how I feel about people sometimes.
Now multiply every bar in his songs times the effectiveness of that one... You have a bamboozle free mixtape. There is ONE hook on this mixtape. So for the sake of an argument, we will just say it is hook free. The point of this tape is to prove that lyrics are what matter. Hooks are just what they imply. They hook you into the song and reel you in. Once your there, you get stuck with bullshit lyrics and as he says himself, four lines in a song might be hot.
I only listen to intro tracks when I plan on doing a review, and I can honestly say that from the into to the outro, I didn't have to skip anything. Most people will give you two hot lines a verse... I can honestly say DizZy brought the heat on this tape. Every line MAKES SENSE (Wayne's don't) and he doesn't claim to be the king of hip-hop or any of the normal self-satisfying lyrical bullshit that other artists do.
True hip-hop is the only thing I pulled away from this. Oh, and better quotes than a Drake mixtape.
Here's some incentive to download this tape.
Now multiply every bar in his songs times the effectiveness of that one... You have a bamboozle free mixtape. There is ONE hook on this mixtape. So for the sake of an argument, we will just say it is hook free. The point of this tape is to prove that lyrics are what matter. Hooks are just what they imply. They hook you into the song and reel you in. Once your there, you get stuck with bullshit lyrics and as he says himself, four lines in a song might be hot.
I only listen to intro tracks when I plan on doing a review, and I can honestly say that from the into to the outro, I didn't have to skip anything. Most people will give you two hot lines a verse... I can honestly say DizZy brought the heat on this tape. Every line MAKES SENSE (Wayne's don't) and he doesn't claim to be the king of hip-hop or any of the normal self-satisfying lyrical bullshit that other artists do.
True hip-hop is the only thing I pulled away from this. Oh, and better quotes than a Drake mixtape.
Here's some incentive to download this tape.
"My biggest fear is failure / So any sign of failure and my mind goes rebellious"
"I'm not obligated to deal with the bullshit / So fuck you and everybody that you fool with"
"The number has shrunk on the number I'm cool with / Because the bigger the number the more foolishness"
"I'm not obligated to deal with the bullshit / So fuck you and everybody that you fool with"
"The number has shrunk on the number I'm cool with / Because the bigger the number the more foolishness"
Oh and uh, he isn't afraid to rap over any beat. Diva, Rehab, Let The Beat Build, Move, Successful, Stand Up Guy, ETC!!! He kills em all.
4.9 out of 5
Only because nothing is perfect
4.9 out of 5
Only because nothing is perfect
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